Published: February 07, 2022 Last Updated: February 23, 2022

Introducing Wave Dxp Our Digital Experience Platform

Introducing WaveDXP - Our Digital Experience Platform

For the last 2 years we haven't just been navigating a COVID world, but we've also been developing our very own Digital Experience Platform (DXP). A DXP is a platform that allows you to build and manage a range of online tools whilst ensuring they all communicate with each other. In other words, it's a platform where you can not only manage your website but connect it with your CRM and any other online tools you may need.

At Probity Web Marketing we decided to go down this route when our previous website platform (Adobe Business Catalyst) decided to close down. We started looking around at all the other website platforms out there to see which one could provide our clients with the functionality they needed to allow us to get the most out of their websites. Unfortunately, we are extremely picky and found it hard to find a website design platform that gave us what we needed. You see, over the years we have developed a range of strategies that we know will help our clients' website not only attract more and more traffic, but convert that traffic into enquiries or sales. Most platforms would allow us to implement some of them easily, but not all of them. So we decided to build our own.

Digital Experience Platform - WaveDXP

The WaveDXP Roadmap

The Content Management System (CMS)

To start with we focussed on building a Content Management System (CMS) so that we could build these websites with all the functionality we needed and our clients could easily make changes to these websites if they wanted to. We have just completed version 2 of this and it is at a stage where we are happy and proud to show our clients and let them use it. We've decided to keep with the theme and call this Content Management System, WaveCMS .

Content Management System - WaveCMS

The Business Intelligence Tool (or Dashboards)

We are now working on building a Business Intelligence Tool for small business. To start with this will simply be a variation of the monthly report we already do for our digital marketing clients. It is aimed at helping our clients know exactly what their website is doing for them and what it is costing them per lead or sale.

Stage 2 for this platform will be a range of dashboards where you will be able to track exactly where all your sales and leads come from and exactly what they are costing you. This will move beyond your website and will allow you to track leads from offline advertising etc with the use of call tracking numbers and email addresses. But before we start stage 2 we need to first complete our third platform.

Business Intelligence Tools - WaveBI

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform will be aimed at small business. It will simply be a place where all your enquiries, including webforms, chats, phone calls and emails, will come into, so you can manage them. From the inbox you will be able to reply to them using email, text or phone and move them into your pipeline. The pipeline will be where you keep track of them as you move them through your sales process.

We will also integrate marketing automation; this is where the platform will automatically communicate with your prospect or client when certain criteria are met. In most cases, this criteria will simply be when you move them through your sales pipeline; for instance a booking confirmation message when you decide on a booking time with the client.

WaveCRM - Inbox


WaveCRM - Pipeline

Why WaveDXP?

Why have we decided to call it WaveDXP?

Businesses are like waves; no 2 waves are the same.

In other words, it is important that our platform has the ability to be customised to suit your businesses' processes and needs.

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