Digital Marketing Terminology

Glossary of Online Marketing Terms

What is a SERP?

SERP stands for "Search Engine Results Page". This is the page of results a search engine (eg. Google) shows you after doing a search.

What is a Search Engine?

A Search Engine is a platform that allows you to search the internet. The largest and best known is of course Google, but there is also "Bing", "Yahoo", "DuckDuckGo", "Baidu" and the list goes on.

What is a Website Goal?

The starting point of measuring anything is knowing what you need to measure. So we need to ask ourselves what success looks like on our website. In most cases a website goal would be to generate webforms, calls and sales.

Find out more about Digital Marketing Analytics.

What is Click-through Rate?

Click-through Rate (or CTR) is the percentage of people that click on a link compared to the number of times they've been exposed to that link. The obvious place we measure this is tracking how many people click through to your website when it comes up in a search.

Find out more about Click thru rate.

What is E-Commerce?

E-Commerce is the buying and selling of Goods and Services on the Internet. This could mean an Online Shop or simply a website with a webform for people to arrange a quote.

What is SEM?

SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing. Search Engine Marketing is where you pay to have your website show up in searches. These are essentially paid ads that will show at the top and bottom of normal search results.

The most common form of SEM is Adwords, which is Google's paid advertising on their searches.

Find out more about Search Engine Marketing.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. Search Engine Optimisation is where we focus on getting your website to rank as high and for as many targeted keywords as possible on Search Engines (eg. Google). This is in what we call organic results, which is the main listings area when you do a search (not the ads at the top and bottom).

In other words, when someone searches for your product or service, we want your website to come up near the top of the results for whatever search term they used.

Find out more about Search Engine Optimisation.

What is the Conversion Rate?

Conversion rate is the percentage of people visiting your website that complete your website goal. For example, fill in a webform, make a call or buy something.

Find out how we improve this with Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO).

What is a Content Management System?

A Content Management System (CMS) allows you to log in and change content. Unlike early websites, where you needed to go through a Web Designer to make changes, a CMS allows you to make the changes yourself. The advantage is obviously cost (you don't need to pay someone else whenever there is a change) as well as an updated website.

There are hundreds of CMS's on the internet, including Wordpress, Webflow, Square, Wix to name a few. At Probity Web Marketing, we use our own platform called WaveDXP.

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